We note that these milestones reflect the typical development cycle of extractive projects; while the principles of FPIC remain the same regardless of sector, the specific stages may be different for other kinds of projects.
FPIC Guide Timeline

Placeholder First Story
Government/company seeks community consent to access land/take samples.
- Community is provided with the relevant information, including information about their rights.
- In some cases, the community may require supplemental capacity building or expertise to support analysis of the information.
- The community has time to affirm that the information and analysis is trustworthy.
- The community has the time they need to reach a decision about whether to consent to the request, in accordance with the community’s customary laws or decision making processes.
If consent is given…
…company seeks governmental permit for minerals exploration.
Government/company seeks community consent to develop a concession under agreed conditions for impact mitigation, compensation, and shared benefit.
- Community is provided with the relevant information.
- Supplemental capacity building/expertise provided as needed.
- Community has time to assess trustworthiness of information.
- Community has the time they need to reach a decision about whether to consent to the request.
If consent is given…
…company seeks governmental approval of environmental and social impact assessment; seeks governmental permits for construction and mineral rights.
Construction and Operations
Prior agreements are implemented, monitored, and enforced. Company and government continues to keep community informed, respond to inquiries and grievances, and seek community input on any decisions which could impact the community.
Placeholder Story
Before Major Change
Government/company seeks community consent for expansion, changing infrastructure, changing tailings management, under agreement conditions.
- Community is provided with the relevant information.
- Supplemental capacity building/expertise provided as needed.
- Community has time to assess trustworthiness of information.
- Community has the time they need to reach a decision about whether to consent to the request.
If consent is given…
…company seeks governmental approval of environmental and social impact assessments associated with changes; seeks governmental permits for new construction or expanded minerals rights.
Government/company seeks community consent on plan for closure, including environmental reclamation, ongoing maintenance, transfer of infrastructure, etc.
- Community is provided with the relevant information.
- Supplemental capacity building/expertise provided as needed.
- Community has time to assess trustworthiness of information.
- Community has the time they need to reach a decision about whether to consent to the request.
If consent is given…
…company seeks necessary governmental permits or approvals associated with closure plan, including plans for environmental reclamation, long-term tailings management, etc.
Company, community, and government communicate and consult on updates, problems, or new risks, in accordance with closure plan framework.